Saturday, July 19, 2008

Vineman 70.3 tomorrow!

The weather is cooling in Windsor...good news! There's a good chance it won't be 100 degrees on the run this year.
I was originally hoping to break 7 hours this year, but with all my ankle injuries and feeling like garbage I'm just going to go out and enjoy the day and do my best.
Today Me, Dana, Jason, Sandra, and Tina went swimming (about 500 yards or so). We picked up our race packets and set up our bike-to-run transition items (T2 is 15 miles away from T1). Tonight we had an awesome pasta dinner made by Tina, and it's off to bed early tonight. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Tina Marie Parker said...

Hi Buddy,

When are you going to update this blog?
