Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Feet don't fail me now

Yesterday's (Tuesday's) effort started off with a spin class at lunch. I was all jazzed about meeting Breakaway at Fiesta Island after work for a speed brick, but as 5:00 approached it was obvious I wasn't going to get out of work on time-I generally need to leave a little before 5 to get to Fiesta or La Jolla by 5:45. So I left work around 5:40 (visualize shoulders slumped, head down, with sad Charlie Brown music playing in the background). As I stepped outside the weather was so beautiful that I just pulled my bike out of the back of the truck and hopped on...I didn't worry about fuel, water, sunscreen, or the fact that my clothes reeked from me accidentally leaving them in the gym bag overnight with my wet swim towel and suit. So with my keys and gus jammed into my aero bottle (no bento box or pockets) I did a quick ride the the end of the 56 bike path and back, about 15 miles.
Once back I decided to complete the brick and go for a run, but not too far because I was wearing a brand new pair of Sauconys that hadn't been broken in. I ran for 20 minutes and felt fine, but last night I realized there were 2 spots on my right foot where the shoes rubbed the skin right off. Ugh.
Tonight's effort is a 2-hour run. I am putting band aids all over my feet and hopefully I'll be able to put in a good effort without injuring myself.
FYI yesterday's effort = 1:55 on the bike, 0:20 on the run

1 comment:

Jennywenny said...

Keep it up! I have to say things arent going well training wise for me, I really struggled riding the 15 miles to work today. Oh dear.

Hope things are good, we should meet up for a beer sometime!