Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My body is falling apart

I guess I've been lucky for the past 18 months or so...I've had the ability to work out hard and not really feel the effects the next day, which would allow me to train again. Lately it seems like I feel the effects of a workout days later...and not necessarily a hard workout. I guess old age is catching up to me. Anyway all this stems from 3 runs I had last week:

Wednesday: ran 5 miles at a fairly fast pace (for me)

Thursday: was only able to do 4 miles at track (including warm-up and cool-down), ankles and shins were bothering me

Saturday: I went for a "run"at Kit Carson Park, which degenerated into something that resembled a 1-minute run/3 minute walk. I had nothing in me, plus my legs were still smarting from Wednesday.

So I need to change up my Ironman plan. I need to start walking A LOT.

Speaking of old age, Jen Ferkins threw me a birthday party and it was awesome! Ate some tacos, ate some cake, watched an episode of the Office, tequila, more food, and Brian in a gold bikini...all in all it was a good time.

Below is last week's effort. It was a recovery week and fairly light.

1 comment:

Tina Marie Parker said...

Happy late birthday!

Yeah! Jen.